High Volume, Low Cost OEM Strain Sensing Beam

mini-strain-beam-200x200The requirement was to design and manufacture a simple strain sensing beam to fit into a very confined space and meet a stringent budget.  Following several months of design, development and creation the final product is manufactured from a high grade alloy steel requiring minimal additional machining.  A single strain gauge containing a full Wheatstone bridge is bonded to the beam in a specific position to maximise the sensitivity and accuracy.

During development a bespoke calibration system was also built to ensure that each strain sensing beam was accurately positioned and loaded for consistent quality.

Following the successful acceptance trials and approval by our customer, the strain sensing beam has been put into full production, which is expected to exceed 2000 pieces per year.

This is a typical example of our design, development and manufacturing capabilities in the field of bonded strain gauge technology.

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Posted in Custom Sensors

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